Monday, August 21, 2023

Meet Busy Sandi, I mean Santa!

Meet the new design I working on.  It is from Stitchrovia and it is called Busy Santa.  I had seen a vintage kit on E-Bay a while back.  It was one of those felt ornament kits where you cut out the felt shapes and then put them together to create a something.  It was maybe 12 Christmas Santa ornaments.  The toes of Santa's boots were curled up and he was engaging in various activities.  I loved it but not the price so I sadly did not purchase it.  I have been looking for it again.  I loved the vintage style Santa and the vintage colors and actually everything about it.  One day not too long ago I saw the above design on Etsy.  It so reminded me of that kit except that there weren't any curled toes on the boots.  I showed it to my mother and she said I could easily put in a few stitches to curl the toes.  I wondered why I hadn't thought of that.
So here we have my 8 day progress and roughly 19 hours and 55 minutes of stitching.  It seems probably a good 5 hours of that is unstitching.  More so then any recent project I can't seem to stitch things correctly to save my entire family's life.  It is definitely darling and I am in love with it.  I began this project  August 11th and have worked on it each day except August 17th.  I am stitching it on a mushroom colored 28 count lugana which adds to the vintage look.  And look, I curled his boot toes!  They look great!

Look at Santa's face!!!!  It is perfect!  The designer certainly is talented.  There is another one of Stitchrovia's on Etsy I want to stitch called Santa's Coming.  I haven't purchased it but I will when I am closer to finished with Busy Santa. 

The good news is it is football season and stitching season is in full swing as I cheer on my Superbowl Champions! 


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