Sunday, April 19, 2020

Roses for St. Nicholas Progress and an exciting auction win!

Nellie bar the door, I think there is something the matter with me!  I have posted something a week apart rather then years or months!

We had a funky week weather wise.  Old man winter just doesn't understand we are sick of him!  Yesterday and today it was in the 60° range and earlier in the week it is very "frosty" as my Caribbean Prince calls it when he comes in from walking our dogs.  My lillies of the valley have tiny buds.  I do love how they smell and they are so delicate to the eye.

Yesterday on E-Bay I won a prize that I have been seeking for several months, Christmas Peace, an older Just Nan design.  I got it for a fairly reasonable price with the embellishment pak and free shipping.  I don't ever recall seeing this for sale in the shops.  However I fell in love when I saw a finish on the Facebook group "Just Nan Junkies"!  It is stunning.

Image may contain: indoor

Don't you agree?  I think at this point I have every Nan design I want.  I can really get down and stitch.

So here is a progress picture of my Roses for St. Nicholas stocking!

I stitched a good 4 hours with my bestie Leslie, via Skype.  I continued stitching pre and post nap also!  All the lace has been stitched to the left of the green tassel.  I also started the bit of lace to the right of the tassel, of which there isn't a great deal.  Next to be stitched will be the eyelets in the center of many of those holes in the lace.  They will make this row very delicate and pretty.

I had a moment or two when I was stitching the crosses that abutted the tassel and they weren't lined up like they should have.  I was so disgusted as I have made every effort with the gridding to place every stitch correctly.  Well I discovered a missed stitch just a few stitches back and it was all remedied.  I can just lose my cool in a second so I am glad this didn't end up in the corner covered in German Shepherd fur and cobwebs. 

I got all my Mill Hill beads reorganized again in my wooden cabinet I purchased years ago at Hobby Lobby.  The Mill Hill packaging fits perfectly in the drawers.  I took little pink labels and wrote the color name on it and adhered it to the package on the back.  They are organized by number but sometimes I am looking for the color names rather then numbers.  I can pull the drawers out and turn it around to quickly get the colors.

So that is it from the stitching capital of Missouri, here in my Happy Room.  Perhaps I will stun all again with another update, wouldn't that be unprecedented?!  God Bless and happy stitching!

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