Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Price gouging in the needlework industry

I love supporting my needlework industry.  I would rather purchase a design then have someone hand me a photo copy of the pattern. I do think that the prices on these charts has gotten way out of hand.

I recently saw this new series by Amy Bruecken called "Holly Jolly All Year Long".  It is adorable.  It is a 13 part series.  Each part is $10.00, I think my eye balls popped out of my head and bounced around the room a few times.  A whopping $130 for this series?  You are kidding me right?!

I am thoroughly disgusted by the price.  I am sorry dear Amy, love your design but I think your pricing is way too dear.  I have noticed the trend that designs are mostly single designs rather then a leaflet of several.  Stoney Creek is the only designer out there, that I can think of at the moment, that still offers multiple designs for a single price.

The copyright issue is one that chaps my hide.  Designers blame the internet for the declining sales due to illegal copies and shops closing.  Boy do the trolls love to pile on with the holier than thou attitude to beat down anyone who mentions copying charts.  My take on the issue is much more realistic.  Declining sales come from stitchers who are tired of being price gouged.  Patterns cost the brick and mortar stores half of the retail price.  A chart that costs the stitcher $130.00 costs the shop $65.00.

Brick and mortar stores are closing due to the poor economy and the reality that shop owners who have been in business for 20 years of more are ready to retire and cannot find a new buyer due to the poor economy.

I know that my stash enhancing has slowed down to just a trickle.  I refuse to pay these ridiculous prices anymore.  I have so many magazines, leaflets and tons of free designs that I really don't need anything.  My financial status has changed and it just won't allow me to buy willy nilly anymore.

I have supported the needlework industry since 1986, that is 32 years now.  I have done more then my part in support.  I also know that I am being played when a series costs $130.  I would love to hear what you have to say.


  1. Shared this piece on my FB business page. Agree that many are silent regarding making photo copies for others. I do think that many local needle shops are closing because it is more convenient to shop online more so than the economy being a factor. BTW thank you for the link to my free design "His Name is Jesus" at JoyfulExpressions.us

    1. Thank you for your very thoughtful comment. I love having conversations about issues with reason and respect. The bad economy and the rise of the internet had begun about the same time. The internet definitely has had a huge impact on all consumer purchasing. I would be interested in numbers of stitchers pre internet versus now. I would like to know if the number of stitchers has grown because higher visibility through social media platforms. I am not sure it is possible to measure that.

      You are welcome for the link, I love to share the love. God Bless, Sandi Jo
