I started putting together a temperature project, which is offered as a free stitch along at Jardin Prive. I got so excited when I first saw it. In 2020 this SAL was floss bobbins and this year it is houses. It is similar in principal to the popular Stitching Mommy's Temperature Garden, if you are familiar with that. I have it pulled together but I am going to change the temperature colors that I initially pulled. I want pinks, blues, greens and purples for my neighborhood. I just love this novel idea and it is different in looks then what a very lot of people are stitching. If you are interested in stitching this too, head on over to Jardin Prive. While I was over there I purchased 4 patterns I must stitch.
I had been pondering all my cross stitch projects since I started stitching in 1986. Many things I have stitched are just gone. I don't know what happened to them but some of it could be pieces were destroyed in the fire I had at a duplex I rented in 2002. I had started stitching when I lived there and then rented and moved into a house on SW 1st Terrace. In 2016 Orin and I bought the home we currently live in. So it is understandable that stuff has become lost in transition and of course destruction. I don't know why it wasn't important to me to keep track of what I was stitching, I was just having fun stitching. Details weren't important then but somehow they have become important to me.
So, I printed off pictures of projects I have stitched as wallet sized photos on my printer and I grabbed an old composition book and tore out the first few pages and began by taping the pictures on the pages of the book. I then began going thru my blogs looking for any details about the projects. I have about 5 years left to look thru on my old blog and I am also going to tackle Facebook and look thru posts there. My notebook is filling in and I am gaining some satisfaction in having information consolidated into one place. It is a good feeling and although some folks would have a heck of a lot more stitched in 35 years, I am not worried about that. As Leslie and I say, it's not a competition (as it is with others). This is a journey of happiness and joy watching my work grow and helping to guard my peace of mind. When I die just shovel all my stitching stuff into my coffin and a few of you may need to sit on the lid to help the mortician close it. Hell I may need several more coffins to get it all in and buried with me.
May your spring days be filled with the peace, joy and happiness that God is truly with us, watching us stitch, enjoying the fruits of our love of the needle and thread. God Bless.
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