Wednesday, April 25, 2018

No More You Tube

Dear and gentle stitchers, it would appear that my cross stitch videos on You Tube were far too coarse and vulgar as I have had my account closed and videos deleted due to violations of the community rules.  I shake my head and just wonder what in the hell is going on over there.

Do not mourn, weep or panic my gentle friends.  I plan on making my stitching videos and posting them here, on my blog.  I am finding that this world is going plum crazy and I need to rein in my time on the internet.  It steals a lot of time when I could be doing something wild and crazy like reading, baking, stitching or just plain day dreaming.

You can subscribe to get updates on my blog entries so you will never miss an opportunity to see my fat face in the privacy of your own homes.

I will continue to update freebie sites I find, as well as sites stitchers may find interesting and inspiring.  I want to have give aways and hope to post photos of yours and mine on my freebie design page on this blog.  Everything is a work in progress on this new Sunroom Stitching adventure.

I promise to be silly and share my life, my stitching and my love of God with all you wonderful people.  We will see you very soon.  Sandi Jo

1 comment:

  1. I don't recall any coarse or vulgar YouTube videos from you, if that were the case, I would have unsubscribed long ago.
